“It’s cold.”
Is the usual beginning to conversations during winter, but a side to Juvenile Arthritis that many don’t know is how this weather effects our condition.
“How does the weather affect your Juvenile Arthritis, Sarah?”
Is a question I’m asked when speaking at community groups or conferences about Juvenile Arthritis. The answer can sometimes surprise people. The weather plays a huge part in my condition. Each year until my 13th birthday I was admitted to hospital for surgery in September/October due to inflammation and pain in my joints that needed to be removed. The fact that it was the same time of year every year made me always wonder,
“I’m sure I am not the only one.”
Turns out I’m not and through the research, I undertook through Kids Arthritis, I found that a high percentage of those I spoke with had the same issue.
The beginning of Winter is when the pain is most severe during Winter. Swelling appears and your reliance on medication to get through the day becomes more prominent. Once again, this isn’t just something that happens to me, it’s happening to a high percentage of children living with Juvenile Arthritis in Australia.
If you ever meet a child or adult living with Juvenile Arthritis rather than asking them,
“How are you?”
Ask, “Do you have any pain today?”
This shows to us that you do care and want to know how we’re really feeling.