My Uncle retired a few years ago from the job he spent 42 years doing. Each day he'd travel 3 hour trip to get to and from work. Why did he do it? Passion. He enjoyed his first and only job he did since finishing school all those years ago.

We all have passions.
It could be creating delightful cakes for family, like my friend Tiffany.
You could love spending time modifying and creating your dream car, like my friend Brett does.

I spent many years searching for a way to do my passion.
When the suggestion of creating Australia's First organisation was talked about, it was always put down as 'too hard' by those who were supposed to be helping me.
While completing high school I tried to get ahead of the others and study Health and Fitness at an adult campus, while completing schooling. Once I finished school I was accepted to work at my local gym. From there I got another job at two local childcare centres, as I thought these were my two passions. I make it sound so easy to get these roles, but it wasn't. To learn more, read my other post about Disability Discrimination.
Turns out I was wrong and when it was time to lay off workers, I was the first to go.
After this I started my own Health and Fitness Business which I ran for a little over two years, before running a charity and business became too much living with Juvenile Arthritis, which one of them had to go.

Each week I spend just over 30 hours changing the way the world views Arthritis, but why would I do this if there's no money value in return?
Supporting the 1 in 1000 Children in Australia living with Juvenile Arthritis just like myself, is my Passion.
These children need support, their families, careers and siblings need support. They need help and awareness of this common yet hidden condition they battle everyday and who better to do this than someone who's battled it for her whole life.
What's your Passion? Let me know on Facebook.
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