Monday, 19 September 2016

Little Red Dots

It's not the Juvenile Arthritis that impacts you the most, it's the side effects.

I've had and still live with many different side effects due to my Juvenile Arthritis.
Minor things like hair loss to extreme fatigue and Lupus, but the one everyone sees the most. Those little red dots.

What are those little things?

Well for starters they're far more itchier than mosquito bites and take 10 times longer to heal.

They get worse before they become better and are in the most annoying places. 

Two years ago I had a sample of one of these little dots taken. It was the most painful thing I'd had done to my skin awake. The result from that was medication side effect.

If you've read my previous posts you would know the only medication that can give me the relief I need currently is Meloxicam. A medication that's eating my stomach lining, but means I can walk. Factors like spending time in the sun (the tiniest amount), covering up my skin for extended periods of time (in winter) makes them worse. There's no way to get rid of them and covering them up makes it worse. 

There not only over my arms and back, but the part everyone looks everyday. FACE. 
With the power of make up the ones that aren't oozing or sticking out like Mount Everest can be covered up. As for those ones.. Cleaning my face twice a day, keeping my hands away while there's no make up on and drinking plenty of water, seems to do the trick. 

Living with Juvenile Arthritis is much more than just painful joints and taking medications. It's dealing with people judging you about something on your skin that you have no control over. 

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