I'm sure some of them you'll share with your children, and there's others which you won't.
My adventures living in my 20's will be shared with them and are being shared with you right now through this blog.
I googled Things to do in your 20's and realised that many of them are just too hard to accomplish when you live with Arthritis.
As a kid I spend every school holiday at our family beach house and every winter one somewhere warmer in Australia, but never overseas. I've never been in a commercial plane or even overseas.
Why is this?

Of course some day I wish to travel, but for now I'm very happy changing lives through Kids Arthritis Australia.
The next thing on those lists is usually, Live on your Own.
How? How? How? Is a 20 something living with a crippling auto immune disease supposed to do that? This one is pretty self explanatory if you've read my other posts.
Reading all these I've created my own list of things for 20 somethings living with Juvenile Arthritis.
1. Listen to your body.
If it's feeling weak and you're feeling fatigued. Stop. It can be hard, but make time for yourself. Whether it's reading a book or enjoying a cuppa, make time for yourself.
2. Be honest to your doctors.
Yes, that's right. If you really did have a flare on the weekend or skip your medication last Wednesday. Tell them. Your honesty really matters when it comes to your health and well being.
3. Eat Healthy, but make sure you spoil yourself.

4. You come First.
You always come first when living with Juvenile Arthritis, as self centered as that sounds it's true. If you're not feeling up to going shopping with your friend, tell them. If you're just to tired to attend a celebration at night, tell them. If you don't, they won't understand about your pain and Arthritis.
5. Create a support network around you.
Not everyone in their 20's living with JIA want to share their journey with everyone like myself, but it's important to find people to share it with. These people could be your mother, sister, support worker from an organisation (like myself), coworker, local minister, the list is endless. Just find a group of people you trust, because there's always people who care about you.
What's your advice for 20 somethings living with Juvenile Arthritis?
Share it on my Facebook.
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