We all know a person that loves their garden, they may even
be you, but my mother loves her garden for a special reason.
As a child I remember each year she’d take up more and more
room in our backyard to grow more flowers which for 21 years she has grown,
bunched and sold on the Echunga Main Street for Juvenile Arthritis. She does
this between ANZAC and Mother’s Day. During this there are many community
members who come together and show their support not only for the work my
mother is doing, but for the 1 in 1000 Children in Australia living with
Juvenile Arthritis.

Another story is about the many times throughout the years
when it would rain just before Mother’s Day. Now my mother spends all year
cutting, watering and pouring a whole heap of love into these flowers and when
the week before Mother’s Day the rain comes and ruins her work, it’s a hard
thing to watch.