At the beginning of 2017 I wrote a post sharing, ‘The Day I Lost My Sight’. I thank those for their questions and words of support, but there was one question asked by many readers:
“What’s it like living with vision in one eye?”
In the beginning simple daily activities; reaching for a glass of water or shaking someone’s hand were a huge problem. This was due to the depth of field issue. My brain had to re wire itself in how it saw the world and how far away objects were.

Another impact was that the world I see is darker than others as there’s only light entering one eye, rather than two. This means when in rooms with dimmed lighting it’s disorientating and I can become light headed and everything that’s part of that feeling.
By far the biggest impact has been the risk of the condition that caused this in the first place, Uveitis affecting my left eye. If and when this happens, no one knows and what effect it will have on my life we will see at the time. But I never let any of this hold me back from achieving my life mission: “To change the way the world views Arthritis.”