Let's go back in time. 12 months ago to be exact and take a look at what life was like at the end of my 21st year living with Juvenile Arthritis.
Thanks for an Amazing 21st year!
I don't know about anyone else but on my birthday I not only enjoy celebrating the past year of my life, but thinking about all that I have achieved.
This year I was 21 years old and looking back, Wow I have achieved some pretty amazing things for someone of my age with my type of disability.
Not only have I started an organisation that is dedicated to supporting Children living with Arthritis.
I have also been successful in not needing an infusion every 4 weeks and a tablet every morning to stay alive, rather just the little yellow tablet.
Come into contact with some amazing KAWarriors who suffer with Arthritis everyday and who have been supported by Kids Arthritis (Yes you, Emily and Kristy!)
Organised and hosted my very own event, Big Blue Night in support of Kids Arthritis.
Began Life Bursts, a radio show every Wednesday from 4pm to 6pm on Hills Radio, with my wonderful other host Matt and had fun learning everything radio again from Crash!
Created hundreds upon hundreds on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts all in support of Kids Arthritis.
Raised over $3,000 in support of Children with Arthritis.
Taken way too many selfies on my SnapChat, some even ended up on instagram; www.instagram.com/kidsarthritis
Thought Bitstrips were cool and annoyed all my friends with them.
Consumed too many cups of lemon tea while eating fresh fruit with oats, I say fruit with oats as there's always more fruits than oats.
Celebrated birthdays and deaths of love ones this year (this includes my pet chickens and ducks).
Had fun #Pranking4KidsArthritis with Rhys from RawCut and spending too much time infront of the camera telling lame jokes. www.youtube.com/pranks4kidsarthritis
Helped so many amazing people achieve their health and fitness goals through my Health and lifestyle group and personal training not only in my home town but Adelaide too!
and the most important one.
Learnt that others do really care about my story, my pains and how I want to support Children with Arthritis. Before this year it was so hard but I thank everyone who has been apart of my life this year because you have helped shape me and made me believe that I really can change the world through supporting other children just like me with Arthritis.
Until next time.
Keep Smiling as you never know who's day you'll brighten.
Some of the wonderful Ladies Only Morning Fitness Class.

Myself and Emily at The Ethelton Entertainers Peformance this year. www.facebook.com/EtheltonEntertainers
"Arthritis doesn't just effect the elderly, it effects children too..."
Me at Big Blue Night for Kids Arthritis this year.
I love bringing Bursts of Peoples lives to our listeners every Wednesday on Life Bursts with Matt.
It's one of the highlights of my busy week.
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