Kids Arthritis Board Members.
Sarah Hammond, Arsene Iribuka, Marjorie Hammond, Jenny Bennett, Rhys Jarrett, Brett Freeman
At this time I'd just been nominated for Start Up Adelaide Volunteer of the Year and was waiting eagerly for the ceremony. We also took a moment to look back on how far as an organisation we'd come. Everything that we'd achieved in our first year as Australia's First and Leading organisation, Kids Arthritis.

Start Up Adelaide Volunteer of the Year Award.
Brett Freeman, Sarah Hammond, Mathew O'Donorfrio.
We just held our second annual Christmas Celebration for children, their families and careers living with Juvenile Arthritis and looking forward to the afternoon as it was our Board Christmas Lunch, but volunteer afternoon tea.
Emily, Sarah, Arthur the Arthritis Bear, Lucy.
You could say I was pretty happy and we were all excited about what we've all achieved together to Change the way the World views Arthritis. When in fact it was just the beginning to the excitement that was coming in 2017!
Monday 23rd January, 2017. Australia Day South Australia Awards 2017.
The day I was named South Australian Young Citizen of the Year. Not just nominated, but actually won this prestigious award.
It was a great feeling knowing that finally after 23 years of living thinking that not many cared about what I lived with and doing through Kids Arthritis, everyone finally wanted to know and help out! The phone didn't stop ringing and emails kept flowing with interviews, letters of support and most importantly. Children, their families and carers reaching out and sharing their story living with Juvenile Arthritis.
The awards didn't stop there. Next came Mount Barker Young Citizen of the Year and Mayor's Achievement Award on Australia Day 2017!
The best part of all this?

To watch the videos or see everyone's smiles at both these exciting events, please head here:
Just remember that "the ones who are crazy enough to change the world, are the ones that do."
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