As I have said in my other posts that having Arthritis Sucks! It doesn't just suck in the way that missing the bus home from work or the way when you get stuck at a traffic light you would have been able to beat if the slow driver in front has moved a little bit faster.
Having Arthritis sucks more than you could ever imagine, what makes it worse is that I know no other way of living, breathing or being.
Through Kids Arthritis when I meet and speak with other children with Arthritis they also say it sucks, then I ask why?
One child said because I can not run around with all my friends in the playground.
Another said because I can't sit on the ground to read a book with my brother and finally the one I relate to the most is.
Missing so much school due to appointments, pain and swelling which them means tiredness and nothing being able to get done. This then leads to falling out with friends and study which then makes the Arthritis worse.
Once people realise Children get Arthritis, they then learn that it doesn't just effect your joints with pain and stiffness, but it effects your emotional state. I am no saying we get depressed, some may but in my experience you just feel useless. For example last weekend I was preparing my family getaway celebration to the beach for my birthday, but my father had to step in to finish preparing as I could not stand or walk anymore. It's times like that you feel useless because all you want to do is GET IT DONE! but you can't, because the pain just makes you stop and you can't do anymore until you rest for a bit longer.
So to all those children out there reading this. Yes Arthritis sucks, but what ever you do.
Please don't give up.
It may be hard now but you just wait until tomorrow because it might just be a little brighter.
Until next time,
Keep smiling because you never know who's day you'll brighten.
(Here's a Sarah Selfie from my Birthday Weekend away)
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